FA Cup 2024 25th May 2024: Manchester City vs Manchester United

It is widely believed that Manchester City, already League victors, will win this year’s F.A. Cup, beating their rivals Manchester United to the trophy for the second year in a row. But do the heavens agree? 

As clear favourites, City are signified by Venus, ruler of the 1st house. Venus is their sole significator in this match: The Moon (ruler of the 10th house, the house of victory for the favourites) already has an important role describing the progress of events.  

Mars, ruler of the opposing 7th house, represents United. They also have Saturn, ruler of the 4th house, as their co-significator. 

The Moon is not void of course (which would, by preserving the status quo) have favoured the favourites, Manchester City. This is because the Moon makes one final aspect in her current sign of Sagittarius; a square to Neptune.  

This is Neptune’s sole contribution to the match: As Neptune is in Pisces, a different sign to that on the 7th house cusp (Aries) should not be able to afflict the fortunes of United. However, the prominence of Neptune (planet of mystery, illusion and delusion) in the chart suggests that this match may contain some unexpectedly disruptive events.  

The Moon applies to the 4th house cusp, which would be a positive sign for underdogs United, were it not for that inconvenient square to Neptune. However, the antiscion of the Moon at 00 Capricorn 06 is placed even closer to the 4th house cusp: Although this does not guarantee victory for United, it is a positive sign that they will prove stronger opponents than expected.  

Mars (for United) applies to conjunct the Part of Fortune. The orb is quite wide (over 7 degrees) but this is another slightly positive testimony for the underdogs.  

What can this chart tell us about the fortunes of City? Venus, their sole significator, is afflicted by combustion (being within 8.5 degrees of the Sun). In his book “Sports Astrology”, John Frawley proposes that the effective orb for contest charts should be around 2 degrees. Venus is just outside this orb, but is moving closer to the Sun. This is a severe affliction, which could hinder the performance of the favourites.  

To sum up we have two mildly positive testimonies for Manchester United, and one potentially severe affliction for Manchester City.  

Manchester City have done so well this season that it seems unlikely that they will lose this final. However, stranger things have happened in football.  

What can be said for certain is that United will play better than expected, and City’s performance will be lacking. Whether this is enough to cause a major upset remains to be seen.  

Chart cast with Astrogold for Mobile 

Astrology by LouiseOfArabia 


Sports Astrology by John Frawley 

Christian Astrology by William Lilly