UEFA Euro 2024: 15th June 2024 Italy vs Albania

Chart cast for BST

Italy are tipped to win their first game of the tournament and are therefore represented by Jupiter (lord of the 1st house) and Venus (lord of the 10th house, victory for the favourites).  

Rivals Albania have Mercury (ruler of the opposing 7th house) and Mars (lord of the 4th house) as their significators.  

Mercury is combust (within 8.5 degrees of the Sun; although John Frawley considers the most effective orb to be no more than 2 degrees in contest charts): This indicates extreme loss of power and influence for the team afflicted: In this case, Albania. 

This being the only testimony of note in this chart, it seems likely that the pundits are correct, and Italy will have cause for celebration.

Chart cast with Astrogold for Mobile

Astrology by LouiseOfArabia


Sports Astrology by John Frawley

Christian Astrology by William Lilly

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