UEFA Euro 2024: 18th June 2024 Portugal vs Czech Republic

Chart is cast for BST

The chart for this game is lacklustre, but the absence of testimonies belies what promises to be a well-played and hard-fought match. 

Portugal are favourites and are signified by Jupiter (lord of the 1st) and Venus (lord of the 10th house). 

Their rivals, Czechia, are represented by Mercury (ruler of the opposing 7th house) and Mars (ruler of the 4th house). 

Pluto, who often has a grudge against the favourites, hovers close to the 2nd house cusp, but too far away to be significant: Pluto would need to be within 1-2 degree of the cusp to cause a serious affliction.  

Mars (lord 4) applies to conjunct the Part of Fortune, an aspect which would guarantee for victory for the Czech Republic were the orb closer (within 5 degrees). The proximity of Mars (lord 4) to the Part of Fortune is nevertheless fortunate: Czechia fans can be confident that their team will play well.  

The Moon’s aspects show the outcome of contest charts more than any other testimonies. Here there is only one: A trine to the antiscion of Jupiter (lord 1) at 24 Cancer 53. This is slightly beyond the 5-degree limit considered most effective for a 90-minute football match, but in the absence of stronger testimonies favours Portugal (perhaps due a chance in the latter stages of the game).  

This will prove an entertaining match, as both teams will be determined to play their best. The chart inclines towards a win for Portugal (due to that last-minute trine from the Moon to the antiscion of Jupiter), however the closeness of Mars (lord 4) to the Part of Fortune suggests that they would be very unwise to underestimate opponents the Czech Republic.

Chart cast with Astrogold for Mobile

Astrology by LouiseOfArabia


Sports Astrology by John Frawley

Christian Astrology by William Lilly

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