Premier League Saturday 11th March 2023: Crystal Palace vs Manchester City

Although Crystal Palace are the hosts, Manchester City (currently placed second in the Table) are favourites so are awarded the 1st house and its ruler, Mercury. 

Rivals Palace are represented by the opposing 7th house and its ruler, Jupiter. 

The position of Mercury, just on the cusp of the 7th house, is the key to the result.  If Mercury had been placed inside the 7th house, this would point to a victory for Palace, showing Manchester City in the power of their rivals. However, Mercury on the cusp of the 7th house, shows that Manchester City will dominate the match.  With no other significant testimony in this chart, the probable outcome is a victory for the favourites. 

Note that Mercury is in Pisces, the sign of his fall.  In contest charts, essential dignity has little bearing on the outcome of the match.  Manchester City may not play as well as expected, but could still do just enough to win.   

Chart by Astrogold for Mobile

Astrology by LouiseOfArabia


Sports Astrology by John Frawley

Christian Astrology by William Lilly

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