Shooting Stars 27th December 2020

Featuring this Sunday’s Premier League fixture between Wolverhampton Wanderers and Tottenham Hotspur.

Although Wolves are the home team, Spurs are widely considered the favourites and are therefore awarded the first house and ruler the Sun at 06 Capricorn 30.

Wolves, as the underdogs, are represented by Saturn (ruler of the opposing 7th house) at 01 Aquarius 09.

Mars, strong in his own sign of Aries and placed directly on the cusp of the 10th house (victory to the favourites), is a positive testimony for Spurs who can be expected to put in a strong performance regardless of the final outcome.

However, the Moon (significator of events during the match) inclines to favour Wolves: She applies to oppose the antiscion of Fortuna (12 Sagittarius 42) and then moves on to oppose Venus (ruler of the 4th house; victory for the underdogs). This suggests that the home team will have the opportunity to confound the pundits and steal an unexpected victory. The Moon has just under 6 degrees to travel before her opposition with Venus perfects; a slightly wider orb than usually allowed for a 90 minute football match: Wolves’ best chances will occur in the latter stages of the game, perhaps even in extra time.

Charts calculated with Astrogold for mobile

Astrology by LouiseOfArabia


Sports Astrology by John Frawley

Christian Astrology by William Lilly

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